Hello world!

Welcome to new blog setup, nothing special here just few notes about my home server set up or maybe some random thoughts

There are many articles about laptops becoming desktops, and here is mine. My old laptop was Lenovo G40-45, with the AMD A6-6310 processor, not the best on the line-up but do the job fine at that time, even accompanying me on college, even that time it feel lacking because Windows do this and...

So now my domain at ddyms.space is on the edge of expire but the renewal cost is pretty high the 1st year had some discount or so, so i resort to moving to new domain that cheaper and the renewal...

We already talk about centralized logging with graylog but the caveat of it, is that the memory resource hog that about 4GBs in total, one for graylog itself and the other one is for opensearch/elasti...

Github explore underrated ! As i browse around github explore my interest catch on a project called youki. When i pretty confused, a different container runtime?

it’s software that runs and man...

Update /etc/docker/daemon.json

  "log-opts": {
    "max-size": "1m",
    "max-file": "1",
    "compress": "false"

Ever feel annoying that you need to SSH in to server just for checking container logs? On few containers it may be fine, but when the deployment get high in my count i had total ~70 containers in tota...

Building rust with openssl was tricky this error due to missing openssl header files and mismatch target. On GNU target it pretty straighforward by install libssl-dev packageon other hand MUSL target a whole different story from penssl development package not detected, or architecture mismatch,...

As podman is actively promoted by fedora and suse, im getting curious how to build a simple docker image with multiarch

Let use a simple Dockerfile of custom debian image

FROM debian:sid-slim
ARG USER=debian

As we already got NFS and Samba shared setup, now its time to use it in our docker containers. Gener...

Sharing data over SMB is one of the most common way, and the other is NFS, NFS approach is pretty si...